Thursday, September 3, 2009

The Aquarium

Well, I have been lazy when it comes to taking the kids anywhere lately, but today I gritted my teeth and loaded up the kids and took them to the aquarium-if just for the dim glimmer of hope that they might take awesome naps. It's so hot here still, and humid, and now that I have Maddie, that's two toddlers...anyway, excuses, excuses, I know. My main (ok entire) motivation for today's outing was that Maddie has been sleeping for less than an hour for nap time, then she wakes up a)miserable and loud, and b)everyone else. Double whammy on the napping front.

I almost didn't go out, but I reallllllllly needed the kiddos to get a good nap. Jakob and Cade have both had nasty colds, and in light of the H1N1 flu, I was extremely hesitant to venture out into crowded places. But I grinned and bore it (is that even right???).

As you can see from the pictures, my fears of getting them out into crowds was rewarded by a completely empty aquarium. Two weeks ago you couldn''t even walk straight through the lobby without having to stop and wait for people to get out of your way. So, yeah, on that front.

And the pictures don't really do it justice, but the park that is on the bottom level of the aquarium is worthy of the annual dues to be a member. It's awesome. It has 6 different 'stations', each for specific age levels so that, ideally, only same age/size/ability kids are playing together. Seriously today we didn't even go see any fish. We just played for and hour on the equipment, looked at the otters and sea turtles and left.









1 comment:

Amy - AKA - TigerMommie said...

Great pictures! Looks like a great time......